Sunday, December 19, 2010
no, you may not take my hat.
Anyways, I'm tired and here's a quick update:
TVTropes has ruined my life. The end.
Okay, on to real stuff. I watched Despicable Me the other day~ It's such a cute movie! xD I can't believe I skipped out on this movie to go make fun of Eclipse!
Yeah. I know. Mahi-Mahi!!! C:
/Angie is tired, please ignore her rambles.
Monday, December 13, 2010
my sincerest apologies, sir, but I do not love you
That my friends, is my livejournal. I have pretty stories up on there. You should go read them.
I have a video to blow up. Jesse, I have sent that link to about everyone on the plant earth. Now we wait. MUAHAHAHA.
*coughs and goes back to homework*
Monday, November 29, 2010
in which I attempt to be witty
I have decided I am not going to San Diego this weekend. I...don't even want to get into detail about why I changed my mind. Now I get to go to that Poetry thing that Jesse invited me to, so yay.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Only Exception
When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist
But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing
Thursday, November 18, 2010
i'll pretend i still care
dear, i hate you.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
once upon a time, there was a story of you and i
Sadly, I'm writing one anyways, even when I'm about 30K words behind on my NaNoWriMo. Stupid debate and speech. *head desks*
Anyhow, I moved houses. Yipee. I now live in a three-room apartment five minutes away from Clovis East. Life-changing stuff right there.
I won 3rd place with my OPP, Apocalypse for Alyss. Hard to believe, I know.
I'm now in Varsity for Debate. How exciting.
I hate talking about drugs. They're stupid.
I'm tired and I'm falling in love. Yeah, I wish.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
apocalypse for alyss
“I always said that the apocalypse wouldn’t come via God’s great flood or Hell’s fire. It wouldn’t come from the Four Horsemen…death, sickness, wrath…and that other thing no one cares about, personified. People will not die randomly, and illness won’t strike the healthy and young. Wars won’t start over the latest pop celebrities that don’t include Justin Bieber or someone else.
No. The end of our world will not come through divine intervention, some freak disaster, or screaming pre-teens over their favorite auto-tuned singer.
At least, my world won’t end like that. My world will end at the hands of man. A boy.
His name? Jonah Sparks.”
I paused for a second, carefully dropping my arms to my sides, while giving Madame Barbara a ghost of a smile. Then I opened my mouth, throwing down the script I was reading.
“Oh my God, if I have to say another of these stupid lines, I’m going to scream. Cut the dramatic music, I SAID CUT THE DRAMATIC MUSIC. THIS SCRIPT IS CRAP.” I jumped off the stage and stormed past Madame Barbara, the Drama Director, headed towards my stuff. Madame Barbara yelled and ran after me, grabbing my shoulder. I stopped in my fit of irritation, and glowered at the platinum-blonde thirty-something year old.
“Alyss, please, listen dear! You’re the lead in this play! You must stay!”
“This play is crap, Madame Barbara. The lines are bland and monotone.” I snapped, turning back to my destination.
Gasps echoed across the room, and Madame Barbara’s knees buckled as her palm flew to her forehead. “Le gasp, oh non, ca va tres mal, ca va tres mal!”
I cocked my head to the side and rolled my eyes, as my black hair fell back. “The people listening to you don’t know anything about the French language, stop showing off. It doesn't change my opinion on Angela's crappy writing.” I scoffed, crossing my arms.
“HOW DARE YOU DISGRACE ANGELA’S WRITING?!” Madame Barbara bellowed as I crouched down and grabbed my satchel, filled to the brim with lined notebooks and sharpened pencils. I put the strap on my shoulder, adjusted the ratio of the bag’s weight to my weight and got up from my crouch.
“I don’t care if Angela graduated out of this stupid school and won like, twenty million Academy Awards for directing the stupidest movie on the planet. Her scripts are awful.” I huffed, as I calmly left a disheveled Madame Barbara in my wake.
Well, I would’ve if Juliette hadn’t intercepted me at the door. Her jealous green eyes flickered with distaste as my lips twitched into a sarcastic grin.
“Hi there, Juliette.”
“Alyss. Why are you leaving us?” She hissed, while crossing her arms over her chest. I shrugged and turned the doorknob that would lead me to freedom.
“Because this is stupid.”
“You’re the lead character in this ‘stupid’ play. You are Angie Starr, who is most definitely not an avatar from a different story that the author, Angela, wrote.”
I arched an eyebrow at Juliette’s suspiciously specific denial. “Whatever. I’m out. Tell Madame I’ll be back later.”
Juliette simply shook her head as I exited the room.
I ran down the halls of the high school I attended, moccasin-clad feet making contact with the floor every other second. My messenger bag was heavy and I was running. This wasn’t the best combination in the world, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.
Finally, I arrived at my locker door. With a triumphant grin, I began attempting to remember my combination.
In retrospect, I believe that this is the moment I should’ve said ‘oh, forget you locker’ and gone back to my Drama Class to apologize to Madame Barbara.
Keyword here is ‘should have’. It’s obvious I didn’t do any of those things because as I was opening my locker and switching out books for my next class, someone arrived to the locker next to mine.
I slammed the locker door shut and turned my head around, ready to skip off to English class, because I wasn’t coming back to drama, happy and light as a bird…
Oh no.
It was…him. Oh no, oh no.
The boy...the boy.
His name, you ask?
His name is Caleb.
Apocalypse for Alyss, an original piece-
So, okay. Here’s the deal with Caleb and…me. He’s about perfect in every way imaginable. He has great grades, he’s a photography geek, tends to have intelligent conversations with everyone- but me, but we’ll get to that in a second-, and he’s like, the boy everyone wants. Every girl I know is completely head over heels for Caleb. I don’t blame them, because I’m one of them.
You see…we technically met last year, during our sophomore year. I was walking up the stairs that led to the school auditorium, dressed in a chic pinafore blue dress and black flats with thigh-high striped socks, on my way to our school’s performance of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ where I got the role of…you guess it, Alice. I was in costume, and everything, while Caleb was walking down stairs with his trusty camera. I guess that was the day he was stuck taking pictures.
We crashed into each other. The camera went into the air; I fell down a couple steps, as he slid down on his stomach-creasing his dark blue blazer-while trying to catch the falling camera.
I had the lovely luck of feeling a camera fall on my lap. I picked it up and Caleb gave me this alarmed look and I carefully handed the black camera to him. He was relieved, I could tell, but didn’t say a word.
We sat in the silence for a couple of minutes.
“…um, I’m Alyss.”
He fought the urge to smile, I could tell. His lips were twitching. “Alice, of Wonderland?”
I then realized that he thought my name was ‘Alice’, not ‘Alyss’, as in short for ‘Alysson’.
“Oh, no, I’m Alysson. But everyone calls me Alyss.” I laughed and stuck my hand out, in offering. He shook it.
“I’m Caleb.”
I almost said ‘I know’, but thankfully, kept my mouth shut.
“Um, okay, yeah, I gotta run. My lines start like…right now, crap…” I trailed on, as I got up, dusting off my pretty blue dress. Caleb took the cue and also stood up. He nodded and trotted off. I bit my lower lip, and kind of wished he didn’t leave.
So, I ran off to the auditorium and said those lines with every ounce of passion I could muster.
…okay, those were the days I actually liked Drama class. Nowadays, drama is a crappy hour filled with Juliette glaring daggers at me.Juliet
Oh yeah, now that we have some background information established, we can go back to my near-fainting spell at the sight of Caleb.
“Ohmigod, hi Caleb~!” I greeted cheerfully, black manicured nails tapping against my hip.
“Hey, Alyss. What’s up?” At that moment, his phone beeped. He gave me an apologetic glance before replying to whomever was text messaging him.
My eyes concentrated on the phone and I then realized that we owned the same phone. The only difference was the color. His was a blue phone, and mine was red.
“Oh my gosh, we have the same phone! But, haha, I hate my phone! It’s so screwy, I mean, it freezes up all the time!! Hahaha!” I tittered and giggled, as Caleb began to walk away slowly. I mentally slapped myself. Caleb thought I was some kind of giggling, yippee skippee freak! Oh no, oh no!
“Haha…that’s cool…well, I gotta go…” Caleb muttered before disappearing out of my sight.
As soon as he left, I groaned, burying my face in my hands. Good going, Alyss! You’re the weirdest person he knows!
It took me a while to pull myself back together, while chanting ‘you are awesome, Alyss’ about a million of times. I locked my locker and weaved through the hallway traffic, off to English class.
In English class I sat down, and Mr. Damon, our teacher, started to lecture about some stuff I honestly didn’t care about.
No wonder I was failing English.
But, then Mr. Damon said something about an assignment. I perked up.
“All right, class, you have to write a letter for today. It can be addressed to anyone you please. It just needs to be at least a page long. It is due tomorrow.” Mr. Damon then returned to his desk, leaving the buzzing class of juniors to their own devices.
I tapped my pencil against my desk, my brain already forming a letter, a letter that I honestly did not want to write.
I tried to lift my hand up and coax the pencil into writing, but the words would not flow.
Mr. Damon sensed tension and walked towards my desk.
“Something the matter, Alyss?”
“Oh, no…okay, yeah, it’s just that I can’t seem to write.”
“Hmm, why not?”
“I mean, I can write. I swear, it’s just that…it’s just really personal.”
Mr. Damon crossed his arms. “Then write. These aren’t going to be read aloud. I was looking forward to your writing; after all…your poetry is outstanding.”
“…um, thank you, I guess?”
Mr. Damon chuckled and went back to his desk, leaving me alone for the time-being. I let out a sigh and twenty minutes later, when the bell rang, my paper was still blank.
Which was expected, because as soon as I got home, I broke out the pen and paper and started writing like it was nobody’s business.
Dear Caleb;
To put things straight, I want you to know that I hate you. I hate your smile, your pretty hazel eyes, and the way you make me feel when you’re around. At least, that’s what I would say if we managed to have a full conversation, not a cheap monologue designed to kill time, instead of cherish it. After all, our last oh so ‘memorable’ conversation was about how much I hate my phone.
Pathetic? Very much so.
But…I don’t know. The reason I can’t even utter one intelligent phrase when you’re in my line of vision is the way you stand. Your eyes flicker with some kind of emotion I cannot decipher when I walk by. Why do I feel like we’ve known each other for forever and a half?
But you don’t me and I don’t know you.
Mr. Caleb, this was love at first sight.
I’m sorry; you must think I’m completely insane. But…when I met you, everything…clicked.
PS: I love you.
I dropped the pencil and stared at my letter in disbelief.
What the heck did I just write? I blinked a couple of times and then shook my head. This was…
The best English project ever. It was such as shame that I wasn’t going to turn it in. I got up from my desk, grabbed an envelope from my bookshelf, and stuffed the letter inside.
And just like that, I was out the door.
I was running, running and running as fast as I could. There was a destination in mind, and that was where I was going to be. It was insane, really, how a simple letter could drive this…effect.
I was going to Caleb’s house.
It sounded insane, but I was perfectly fine with that. My boots splashed in the puddles that remained from last night’s rain shower, as I finally arrived at the bus stop that would take me to his neighborhood.
The bus ride was short and finally, I was in front of his house, letter in hand.
I slowly walked up the path that led to his oak door and my knuckles rapped against the wood furnish. I tensed, as I waited for a reply.
The door opened, revealing not Caleb, but his sister, Cathleen.
“…oh, hi there, Alyss.” Cathleen said, with a confused look in her eyes. I took a deep breath before answering.
“Hi, Cathleen. Is Caleb home?”
“Um, no. Do you want me to call him, or something?”
“Oh, no it’s fine…but…um, can you give this to him, then?” I handed the letter to Cathleen who nodded, taking the envelope from my hands.
“All right. I’ll get this to him.”
The rain decided to start pouring at that very second. And I didn’t bring an umbrella.
“…ugh,” I muttered and Cathleen gave me a concerned look.
“Do you want an umbrella? I could go grab-”
“No, it’s fine. Thank you. I’ll be okay. Goodbye.” I added a smile, and waved, before turning on my heel, and running back towards the bus stop.
As soon as I arrived, I sat down on the roof covered bench, shivering as I waited for the bus.
“Stupid bus…” I muttered, as suddenly, the bus arrived. Sadly, it wasn’t the bus that would take me home.
I looked up for a second and flinched. Out of the bus, laughing and smiling, came out Juliette and…
“Haha, that was a great movie, right, Caleb?” Juliette cackled as Caleb laughed along.
“Yeah, it was really funny, remember that…oh.”
My mouth was slightly open and my dark eyes were staring in despair and disbelief.
Caleb caught my gaze and we stared at each other in silence, just like when we met.
I immediately got up from the bench and forced a smile. “Hi, Caleb, Juliette.”
Juliette hid a sneer under a smile. “Hi, Alyss.”
I blinked back the tears and nodded, as they continued on their way to Caleb’s home. Caleb looked back, once, but I never saw his apologetic gaze search for my face.
I was shaking, in pure and utter despair.
“…oh my God.” I let the phrase come out before bursting into tears, running as far as way from the bus stop as possible. I was drenched by the rain, and honestly? I didn’t care. I didn’t care if I got hypothermia, or whatever. Nothing mattered, really.
Because the lines I called ‘bland’ and ‘monotone’ came back to haunt me, like an ironic echo. The apocalypse wouldn’t come via God’s great flood or Hell’s fire. No, my apocalypse would be through man. A boy.
His name?
His name was Caleb.
a/n: this is by far, my worse piece of writing. ever.
Friday, October 29, 2010
tell me something i don't want to hear
I have compiled a list:
1) Being arrogant.
2) Being selfish.
3) Being rude, disrespctful, and downright awful.
4) Being self-centered.
5) Yelling.
6) Ignoring people.
7) Being ingrateful.
8) Being a terrible friend.
9) Being indescive.
10) Falling in love with at the wrong moment.
11) Ignoring the positive. - Jesse
12) Picking backgrounds that make your blogs hard to read. - Jesse
13) Surprising me>turning me on. Platonically. -Jesse
14) Making me laugh so hard I pee my pants, cry, or both half way. - Rachel Yorke
You can add to the list, if you would like. I'm not having a good day and I'm not excited about my birthday anymore.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
treading water, just to keep from slipping under
I have realized my love for Superchic[k] runs deeper that water. I remember sixth and seventh grade when I was completely addicted.
Now, you can say I'm a complete loser for turning to secular music. Okay, not really. What I'm saying is...that I feel like a worse person today than I did back then.
You probably have no idea what I'm babbling about. Which is fine. I have decided to break it done into simpler terms. I've picked up a habit of using rather large and complex words in my sentences, thanks to Debate.
I think I'm not going back to that class next year. Mmm. Who knows?
Ah, yes. Where was I? Oh. I feel worse now because I feel like I've been too orientated with the crap that's happening in my life, rather than focusing on the positive. Jesus and I have been chatting, and I think it's time that I stop thinking about the Boy of the Year and start spreading His Word out.
Yes, Boy of the Year. As with Angela-tradition, there will be a boy that I am completely head over heels for. Said-boy will implant himself in my life for a year or so (Tyler was an exception- he managed to stay in my head for a year and half, or more) and I will suddenly decide to attempt to get over them and write a book about it. The end.
It's depressing, really. Especially when my resolve breaks so easily. I hate it.
Boy of the year is a Debate/Forensics kid now. He likes a girl that I don't know. I don't even like this boy. I mean, I barely know him...but it was just one look.
Just one look made me fall. I don't even think he knows my name. birthday is right around the corner.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
these faulty relationships
“I think human beings make life beautiful. There's a lot of beauty in everything. I think what makes life beautiful is the ability to acknowledge that.”
So, that's my new life quote. I love Andrew McMahon, because besides Jesus and Lacey Mosley-Sturm, he's my hero. I love the quote because it's true.
Did I mention that McMahon also had leukemia? His legacy is what really astounds me; it's the fact that he survived the battle- that my cousin Danny didn't- that makes me feel...I don't know, connected to this stranger. I only know his music, but the music, dear God, the music.
I don't know. I'm weird. My birthday is coming up. I honestly do not care anymore. I understand that on Sunday it will be the day I turn fifteen and I will have lived on this Earth for fifteen years but who cares? It's not like anyone will be there. It's not like I'll be able to enjoy it. The people that want to be there can't because of other commitments, and I haven't even bought my costume yet. I'm going through issues right now and...I'm just not excited anymore.
I think I'm going to go to the trick or treat session with my Forensics team. That team is starting to feel like my extended family. There's some amazing kids on that team that I'm blessed to have met.
In other areas of my life, it's almost November. I need to go to Michael's and buy some shirts because NaNoWriMo is right around the corner. Saro needs her shirt, I need my shirt, and I'll make a third shirt for some other poor individual who needs a team shirt for this insane event.
I have a Speech tournament on the 9th and that will be entertaining.
Music wise, I'm listening Neon Trees and Enrique Iglesias. 0_0
Writing wise, I have no idea what I'm doing.
PS: I love you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
leave all your love and your longing behind
Scratch that, I have not done that up until today. Today, marks the day I have used 'Dog Days Are Over' by Florence + The Machine twice.
The thing is, that this song gives Annie by Safetysuit a run for it's money in the contest of being my theme song. I've associated myself with the song Annie because besides So I Thought by Flyleaf, it relays my life in a three minute + song.
Many of you must be wondering one of the following:
"Where did Teenage Gamer go?!"
"Why does Angie complain about life so much?"
"Is there a special reason why this girl is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland?"
"Why the hell do people use plaques as coasters?!"
Okay, well, the last question is what I'm wondering. Stupid Ramuel and his cult of followers.
Here are my answers:
1) Teenage Gamer was actually my favorite title for this blog. It was so, you know? I changed it because I felt like I had to. My mind is teeming with new blog titles and I don't want to make a new blog every other day so I change my blog titles. I usually narrow it down to two names I'll use per year, so expect Queen of Wonderland here for a while.
3) I'm not obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. It's actually one of my favorite literary classics and I grew up with the Disney version. I relate to the issues Alice faces in the novel, the books, and whatever so that's how it rolls.
Plus, I like thinking I'm Queen of something. Most of the time I'm either the Queen of Wonderland or the Queen of Nothing and Everything.
It's fun.
(Or I've gone mad.)
4) As for the coaster and plaques, the reason I'm so hung up about that is that I haven't won anything from these past three tournaments. It's depressing, yes, but I've gotten a personal punching bag out of it. My right hook needs to be in tip-top condition.
On another note: I feel like Jesus is teaching me something through my failures. He's teaching me that I need to try harder and that if I put my mind to it and that I remember to give Him thanks that because of Him I'm able to compete, that I will finally win.
I think I'm finally learning that lesson. (Basically, He's telling me to stop whining about my bruised pride and to kick intellectual butt in His name. Just kidding. That would be bad.)
I've been listening to a lot of music lately. Besides Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len and Rin, I've been listening to Lily, Le Roux, Florence + The Machine, Architecture in Helsinki, and my daily dosage of Jack's Mannequin and Flyleaf.
I love music. It's amazing. It really is.
I think I feel neglected by my friends. That sounds selfish, but sometimes, I don't know if simply wanting something for myself is selfish. Oh, the complicated stuff of life.
I'm going to go do my homework now.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
i swear he's out to get me
That is all.
Monday, October 11, 2010
it's no wonder, really
[ ] One of your parents is dead
[ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores
[x] You love to dress up
[ ] You love animals
[ ] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[ ] Your mom is really strict
[ ] That's just because she got knocked up
[x] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
[ ] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes
[ ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before.
[ ] You have blond hair
Belle (Beauty And The Beast):
[ ] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like
[ ] You've been lost in the forest
[x] You love to read
[x] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
[ ] One of your family members is a bit weird
[ ] You have done volunteer work
[x] You have a wild imagination
[ ] You love to take care of people in need
[x] You've had guys like you only because they think you're pretty
[x] You've rejected at least one person when they've asked you out
Jasmine (Aladdin):
[ ] Your dad is VERY rich
[ ] You are very clever
[ ] You've been with someone way different from you
[x] You're unique and different from everyone else
[x] You'd never marry someone just because they were rich
[ ] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
[ ] You don't have a lot of (good) friends
[x] You're independent
[ ] You are wealthy
[ ] Your parents try to control your life
Ariel (The Little Mermaid):
[x] Your parents expect a lot from you
[x] You really try to follow the rules, but it's hard for you
[ ] You're a bit of a trouble maker
[ ] You're the youngest in your family
[ ] You have a lot of sisters.
[ ] You collect something
[ ] You have/had long, red hair
[x] You have/had a pet fish
[ ] You're extremely curious
[ ] You believe everything people tell you/you're a bit gullible
Snow White:
[ ] You know that you're beautiful.
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[x] You're almost been killed
[ ] You have at least seven good friends
[ ] You've had food poisoning
[ ] You have/had short hair
[ ] You get along with almost everyone
[x] All of your friends are different
[x] You love to have a good time
[ ] You're happier when you're out of the house than in
[ ] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[ ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
[x] You've pretended to be someone you're not
[x] You've had a physical fight with someone
[ ] You have/had considered running away from home
[ ] Your parents try to plan your life out
[ ] A lot of your friends are boys
[ ] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
[x] You love your family so much that you'd do anything to protect them
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty):
[ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[ ] You almost died at a very young age
[ ] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
[x] You have a decent singing voice
[ ] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
[ ] You spend most of your time outside
[ ] You're adopted
[ ] You're very romantic
[ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors
[x] You love to walk around and explore big cities
[ ] You are more spiritual than religious
[ ] You've been in an interracial relationship
[x] One of your family members is dead
[x] Your parents are very protective of you
[ ] Someone you know has been in war
[ ] You love nature
[x] You have/had black hair
[ ] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
[ ] You're very adventurous
TinkerBell (Peter Pan):
[x] You get jealous easily
[ ] You loved your childhood
[x] You like to fly
[ ] You believe in magic
[ ] You're 5'2 or under
[ ] You hate pirates
[ ] You love sparkles
[x] People underestimate you
[x] You get angry easily
[ ] You have/had a treehouse
Alice (Alice In Wonderland):
[ ] You have/had a pet rabbit(s)
[x] You love to play cards
[x] You constantly know the time
[x ] You get in sticky situations
[x] You have been to court
[x ] You have fallen asleep while doing homework
[x] You have had a tea party
[x ] You love hats
[x] You are constantly lost
[x] You know how to play croquet
TOTAL: 9 (why isn't this surprising? XD)
Meg (Hercules):
[ ] Your boyfriend is strong
[ ] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
[x] You are very convincing
[x] You have fallen in love before
[x] You have had your heartbroken
[x] You love Greek mythology
[x] You lie sometimes
[ ] You pretend to be someone you're not
[x] You have been used
[x] Purple is one of your favourite colours
So, basically, I'm a mixture of Meg and Alice. Sweet.
On other things, besides my affinity for the girl from Wonderland and the girl who can sing, I have to go buy my computer charger because I have to finish my debate cases tonight.
Unless I want to die via McCoy. That would be bad. I'm tired and I have -ERROR by Vocaloid Lily stuck in my head. Those chords are BEAUTIFUL, I TELL YOU.
Okay, I'm done.
Friday, October 8, 2010
wonderland's final queen, part one
Well, she was falling and falling was all she knew.
Hitting the floor sent a jolt through her spine, the ear-splitting /crack/ that resounded in the empty room gave her a headache.
The room was circular; that was the first thing she noticed. The second thing she noticed was her bleeding arm, adorned with scrapes and bruises.
a/n: i'll edit it later.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
the dog days are over
a) I can't type up any new stories.
b) I can't update my iPod
c) I have to wait until my birthday to get a new laptop.
Sigh. Oh well. Anyhow, I want to mention, to some mysterious rich benefactor, that I would like a Wacom Tablet for my birthday. Yes. Send it to my PO Box.
...kidding. I don't want any stalkers. I already have a lot.
So, today, I attended World History-passed notes with Scott as we contemplated the meaning of life as we took Industrial Revolution notes-, Algebra 2 Honors-whose homework I must complete...right now-, and Debate.
Dear heavens, I don't even want to talk about Debate right now. All I know is that I have a Speech Tournament on Saturday and I'm scared out of my wits. Can I please not go? Please? I'll even eat asparagus. You know how much I hate asparagus.
Um, besides that. My goal for October is to be featured on TV Tropes. I'm not kidding.
I hope you all have a pleasant Friday. Mine will be hectic. Hurrah.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
So. That's a pretty rad song. Paramore is actually cool. Sort of.
Anyhow. Today, I would like to address the fact that our world is surrounded by idiots. Facebook has it's fair share of them. I'm one of them, as well.
Isn't that simply ah-mazing? Of course not. So, I'm going to go crawl into a hole and feel pathetic about myself. Please, excuse me.
Friday, October 1, 2010
pretty little liar
She hated being alone. The feeling of being the only one in the world was suffocating. It crept up on you, with the intentions of murdering.
She didn't want to be killed. That wasn't part of the plan. Her plan involved living, living life to the fullest.
That plan didn't work out so well. Not ever since he left her life, screaming obscenities that resounded in the girl's mind for hours and hours.
No, that plan fell through from the start. What did she expect? She wasn't seven, for God's sake.
There were no princes, no horses, no rides to the hypothetical sunset. Fairy tales were myths. They were for little girls who couldn't fall asleep, and their parents didn't know how to lull them to unconsciousness.
Princesses didn't exist, either. If they did exist, she would've most likely been a princess.
Not the typical princess, per say, but the princess that dies in as a sacrifice to her true love. She would die in a over the top fashion, she would die to save her prince's lover.
Oh, the sheer stupidity of that hurt. It hurt her analytical mind, her shattered heart, and her weary body. It wasn't fair.
It just wasn't fair.
But nothing was fair in this life.
That was a lesson she was finally starting to learn.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
what happened on 9/25.
Whatever they have said about me is a lie. Maybe except the 'I completely destroyed their cases' bit. That's true.
6:30 AM -> I got to school, tired as heck, with a box of breakfast burritos.
6:35 AM -> Said 'hi' to everyone and sat down, staring into space.
6:40 AM -> I talked to Kylee about some topic I don't remember.
7: 00 AM -> Finally ate something. Half of a bacon breakfast burrito. Yay.
7:15 AM -> Zoned out.
7:17 AM -> Started going over my case and evidence.
7: 40 AM -> Did vocal warm-ups. Quite entertaining.
8: 00 AM -> The CEHS Debate team walked like a mob to the cafeteria and caused the entire place to look up in awe at our super snazzy suits. I felt like flipping off my kind of/not really ex-boyfriend. It would've been great, but I decided not to.
8: 45 AM -> Postings went up. I ran to room 627 in order to start debating.
8: 50 AM -> Still waiting for my opponent to come and for the judge to come.
8: 55 AM -> Still waiting and started talking to Courtney.
9: 00 AM -> STILL. FREAKING. WAITING. For judge. Opponent was sprinting down the hall.
9: 05 AM -> Judge arrives and we enter classroom.
9: 10 - 9:40 AM -> Major buttkicking ensues.
9: 50 AM -> I grin and say 'great job' to opponent. I sat down on a chair and wait for flight two to finish. I totally won the first round. It was great.
10: something AM -> Second flight is finished and I go back to the cafeteria. I feel like an adrenaline junkie.
10: 40 AM -> Everyone else comes in, with the same grins. We're high off of debate. That's cool.
10: 40 - 11: 30 AM -> Second round postings come up.
11:35 AM -> I get stuck in a crowd and people are shoving. It's not nice.
11:37 AM -> I finally get to see where I am for round two. Same room. Fun, fun.
11: 45 AM -> I arrive to the round, my opponent arrives, the judge arrives.
12: 30-ish PM -> Butt kicking is over. I totally won that round. A sophomore boy from who knows where looks me over and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.
1: 00 PM -> I have arrived in the cafeteria. I eat lunch. Teriyaki chicken bowl. Yay.
2: 00 PM -> We wait.
2: 30 PM -> Still waiting.
3: 00 PM -> I go over my case, while waiting.
3: 13 PM -> OH MY GOSH, CAN I GO-*third round postings go up* Oh. Never mind then.
3: 20 PM -> Finally get up and check my postings. I shrug, because I don't care who I'm going against. All I know is that I need to win.
3: 26 PM -> Arrive at room.
3: 27 -> Almost scream bloody murder when I see my opponent. I hide my lapse of confidence with a cheerful grin.
3: 28 -> I'm pretty sure I look like I'm going to kill something.
3: 29 -> "Hello, I'm Angela, number 176! Nice to meet you!" *offers hand to shake it*
"Oh, I know you."
*a second of silence; I tilt my head and keep that smile on my face*
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, I'm Tabia. I'm sort of dating Keegan."
3:30 PM -> I blink. Oh, that's nice. Wait, what? How the hell do you know me then?! HE TALKS ABOUT ME?!
"Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know he talked about his past girlfriends."
*the judge arrives and I shoot a prayer to God. Please Lord, help me not kill this person. Thanks.
The judge leads us in.
3: 32 PM -> I take a seat and double and triple check my case.
3: 56 PM -> It's time for flight two; my flight. I'm ready to Debate.
4: 00 PM to 4: 45 PM -> The world is rocked and exploded. Butt kicking and kicked butts ensue.
5: 00 PM -> I arrive to the cafeteria like a war hero/victim. This is not good. Friends crowd around and ask about what happened in there. I shrug and tell them the short and sweet version that didn't involve us debaters screaming at each other. Oh, joy.
5: 30 PM -> I crave Jamba Juice as I walk to Round Four.
5: 34 PM -> Kylie and Heidi tell me that I was the subject of gossip. Oh, joy. I'm being gossiped about in an academic setting. I'm a 'bitch' and that 'I will laugh at your case'. Hilarious, really.
Shut the hell up.
5: 40 PM to 6: 15 PM -> Round four passes. I win.
6: 30 PM -> I arrive at the cafeteria, grab something to eat, drink two water bottles and sprint to McCoy's room and sit down on a chair, sighing.
6: 35 PM -> I am kicked out of McCoy, by McCoy via phone call.
7: 00 PM -> By now, I really don't care anymore. Keegan tells me that I can't go to UCLA. I tell him to shut the hell up and die.
Okay, not really. I told him that was nice and that I didn't want to waste my braincells on UCLA anyways. UC Berkeley's law program was much superior, anyways.
Time passes
8:00 PM -> The awards start. I'm not even going to go into detail. I won three rounds. Lost one. Care to guess which one I lost?
After this hectic day I went home and sobbed. I lost a plaque that would've been a beautiful addition (and college transcript worthy) item for my room. Anyways. Debate's weird. It's like, football, but harder.
I'm going to go do my homework now.
#176 out.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
i think i hate you
and I hate it.
Dear World, I hate you.
Dear Angie, the World hates you too.
Monday, September 20, 2010
well, i do declare!
Just kidding, Sutthida. I'm helping out with English. I love English. It's my favorite subject in the entire world. So, if you need help with that, JUST GO ONTO THIS SUPER BLOG: (LINK WILL COME UP LATER)
...until then, I have work to do.
black and white
* First Debate tournament on Saturday. Ugh. Oh well.
* King N. That is all.
* Monterrey, California. I will move there.
* I hate my computer charger.
* I am getting off now; I have work to do.
A Mockinjay Pin. You know, from the Hunger Games? Yeah. I want one of those for my birthday.
<3 Angie
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
welcome to utah
Friends, readers, and everyone else. The link I just gave you will...
meh. So, that's a band I've been listening to. They're freaks.
That is all.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
just be friends
Just...listen to this j-Pop goodness.
^That's the awesome remix with actual people singing. F YEAH, AWESOME COVERS.
Anyhow, I never got to write an actual coherent post about The Hunger Games. I need all of you to read it, because I have no one else to talk to about this awesome series.
Basically, the first book The Hunger Games is about 24 teenagers who are thrown into a game of survival, where only one wins. Katniss Everdeen's little sister, Prim, has been chosen to participate. In order to save her life, Katniss takes her place. Along with Katniss, from District 12, Peeta Mellark is chosen to play. Right before the Games start, Peeta confesses his love for Katniss and it all goes downhill from there...
Catching Fire is right after book one, and thus, I cannot really explain the summary for this book because of spoilers. Same with Mockingjay. Either way, by the end of the series you will most likely want a Mockingjay pin or something of the stort.
Also, you'll either be on Team Peeta or Team Gale.
Team Peeta, because he's the best thing since sliced bread.
(He's the baker's son. *cues 'ohhhh's*
Anyways, I really recommend the series. I also want all of you to read it BEFORE the movie comes out next year. Suzanne Collins-the author-is currently working on the script, so now all we want is for Hugh Grant to be Cinna, the man who designs Katniss and Lady Gaga's outfits.
(He also started a revolution with THE POWER OF FASHION! F YEAH, CINNA!)
...All right, bye!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
beautiful day
when everything we said
made sense
a simple time when you and I
didn't know about the
battles that raged inside
i've lost count of the times
i've wished we could go back
to the that beautiful lie
we lived in
a beautiful day where flowers prayed
and we frolicked through the ocean waves
hand in hand we hoped to stay
in our beautiful day (x2)
before we fell in love
summer came and went
a blur of sunshine in our icy states
i swear you cracked a smile
on our first date
that first date
set our course
you kissed my hand and
i laughed
hoping that deep inside
summer you was
still alive
because you were the one that told me
pretty eyes can't lie
and finally winter came home
an everlasting world of contradictions
where did our beautiful world go? (x2)
where did our summer selves go? (x2)
there's a ring on your finger. you're married
to somebody else.
a beautiful girl you've been chasing down for so many years
we met on hollywood and venice...
where did our...(x3)
oh oh...whoah...(x3)
you have a happy family, waiting for you.
i have a broken heart, who knew this is how it would go.
(where did our beautiful world go...? x2)
where did our beautiful lie go?
it was so amazing before you told me...
you loved me.
(chorus + bridge)
fade out
let's play a game of pretend when everything we said made sense.
author's note: frolicked. LOL.
once a playlist, always a playlist
always running through my head
i can't press stop on that
pesky playback set
you're an infinite playlist
always running through my mind
oh how i wish you could
simply shut up and die
stop invading my private thoughts, where you usually reside
strumming away on your acoustic guitar, as i lose
my mind to your parasitic love
sometimes i don't make any sense in my own rhymes
how is it that you can look into my eyes?
with some insane thing i don't
want to call love
emotions crawl out of my mind
as we look forward to your
some dreams
don't make any sense
in my messed-up head
scattered memories
mingle with present-day
i'm sleep-deprived, the hazy blessed
stormy eyes, blue with ice
haunt my conscience.
i don't know what i've done
to deserve your mess.
i'm lost in translation
directions don't matter much
in the middle of LA and Oceanside
Venice screams away, ocean waves
crash upon the shore
my thoughts don't feel so scattered
you reach for my scarred hand
and I lean away
you've already done enough
damage to my broken heart
the sky falls down
little pieces of my soul return
i had been lost, but now found
in the midst of your, my, apologies
i am falling, i am falling
into your once reluctant (arms)
Friday, September 3, 2010
astrology sucks.
*smiles slightly* I think I'm going insane. I have so much homework and I'm stressed and I haven't seen anyone in the longest of times.
I feel sick. I feel lonely.
I hate it.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
is murder illegal in california?
Please stop annoying me about my love life. I don't have a boyfriend and your comments simply rub the salt in the wounds. It also pisses me off and I feel like throwing something whenever you open your mouth. Yeah. So, stop it and shut up. Or I'll start the blog without telling you and make you and Kyle's relationship the front page.
Yeah, that doesn't sound pretty, does it?
Dear Erika Kroker:
(Meaning stop it. Please? I'm begging.)
Dear Rachel Lynn Lemon Frost:
I really love you, but if you keep texting me for the most random things without asking me about my day I'm going to have to come over and find out what the heck is going on over there. I'm sorry about you being stressed-trust me, we all are- but...yeah. I miss you.
Dear Rachel Leah Lime Yorke:
You. And. I. Need. To. Hang. Out.
Soon, because I'm going to finish your notebook tomorrow. I think I should add more pictures to the cover...but meh. I probably will.
I love you and miss you, too!
Dear Everyone Else Who Reads This Blog:
I'm really sorry for bombarding all of you with this information. But I'm just really tired about the teasing/crap that I've been getting these past two weeks. So yeah. Read The Hunger Games. Soon. It's the best decision of your life.
(Maybe not.)
Monday, August 30, 2010
a place where unanswered questions lay in eternal snow
(I'm just really excited. Gonna go get me a copy of the Hunger Game Trilogy today, yes sirree.)
Friday, August 27, 2010
she's ripping wings off butterflies, now's a ventilation post. I feel really...out of the loop. I haven't talked to some people in a long time and I feel like I did something wrong to them, I mean...I don't know.
Lemon, if I did something bad, just tell me. I feel bad that you aren't talking to me and I'm a stupid chicken who won't even text you.
All right....I need to do my french project.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
in retrospect, i won't do it again
-Walls, All Time Low.
I love ATL. Hahaha, they're cool. Rian, ftw. :D
Erm, anyways. So, day three of school. I hate Chemistry. Hate it with a passion.
French 2, as well. I mean, the class is's just the people! I cannot stand that room. IT'S SO FREAKING LOUD!
Um...anyways. Haha, I said 'anyways' twice. Stupid California accent. I can't say a single sentence without saying the word 'anyways'.
Not kidding.
...*resists urge to say 'anyways'*
On other topics, I hate romance. Especially Jerkass Prettyboys. They're really hot, awesome, and epic, but complete jerks.
Ugh, boo. I had a meh day at school today. I was pushed by my friends towards this guy who really likes me-according to rumors- and I wasn't happy about that.
He's the same guy that declared his love for me last year.
I just sneezed. Yes, you needed to know that.
...where was I? Oh yeah. My friends are on Team Gabe instead of Team Tyler.
...Oh my God, my friends are Shippers on Deck. I am so screwed.
(I've repeated the phrase 'he's not my boyfriend about seventy times these past three days.)
Monday, August 23, 2010
a little bird told me you were depressed
Hi there~ Here's a fantastic post on how my life has been going:
School was...ugh. I liked my classes, but my World History class is devoid from people I know! DX I know, tragic, right? It's my first class of the day, too!
Time to make new friends...sigh. Everything after World History is A-OK, maybe except for Chemistry. Did I mention I hate Chemistry? No? Well, at the moment I'm working on homework I got for that class? WTF, right? I was in school for about half the day and I already had a crapload of homework.
Ugh...I need to do my Debate stuff. What am I doing here?!
Oh, yeah. Tyler issue. If you are a reader of the original blog, you'll know about him. He's my current crush and I'm completely head over heels for this boy. I saw him today and guess who almost died from heart attack? I did! Especially when he was hugging this girl for more than like, a minute.
...I should stop listening to screamo music. It makes me think of him.
He's in a screamo band. Ugh. Stupid Tyler. I hate him so much.
The line between love and hate is so...thin. You don't know when you've crossed it.
The Varient
...erm, where was I? Oh yeah, writer friends!
So, my friend Saro, just self-published her book. She's seventeen.
Think about that for a couple of minutes. She's a fantastic writer, so here I am, advertising! Her book The Varient (yes, it's spelled like that) is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy novel taking place in a Utopia in the distant future.
Here's a short summary, provided by Saro~!
Sound awesome? Click the link I provided. Maybe you know someone who likes Sci-Fi books? A great gift! :D
Amryl Laque is the daughter of Varoron, a Captain of the Puran Guard, and saddled with a rather unremarkable power; she feels useless in a sea of soldiers until a 'falling star' throws her tiny, organised and docile world into chaos. Could this silent but expressive boy she calls 'Shadow' really be one of the dangerous Varient Strain, with a power that could destroy the utopia Ryl's father tried so hard to build? Or is it really a utopia at all?
^^ So, check it~!
Thanks for reading~!
PS: Chaos & Conflict is under steady editing. Expect an excerpt soon. ^^;
Sunday, August 22, 2010
there, there katie
Well, I love Andrew and Bobby and Jay and Jon. I love them very much.
You know something I don't love? Stephenie Meyer. What the heck is she doing directing Jack's Mannequin videos? It's not fair for Andrew. He's much too epic to be in the presence of Meyer.
A moment of silence for the epicness that used to be the song 'The Resolution'.
*five minutes later*
Anyways, um. I think Great Expectations needs more annotations. I hate it though, I hate going from page to page writing little things so that Randall won't murder me.
...tsk, I have to go do that.
Do any of you own pins that you don't want? I'm decorating my backpack with pins and yeah~ ^^
Saturday, August 21, 2010
you and me could write a bad romance
Anyways, hi. I just went shopping. I love shopping. It was very fun. I have the most epic ankle boots ever. ^^
...I should go do some more annotations on Great Expectations...ugh. School starts on Monday. D: TRAGEDY, I TELL YOU!
I have no idea what I want to wear. I have so much pretty stuff Hmm. I'll have to think of something soon, because I don't want to stress whatsoever on Monday.
Anyways, here's an update:
I'm currently editing Chaos and Conflict, yay! I'm actually doing work on that, lol.
I'm also trying to nurse my fanfiction crisis. I got a bad review and I'm trying not to think too hard about it. *sobs*
Here it is. Read it and tell me if it's that bad. *crawls back into corner of doom*
favorites. That song is also the opening song to my story "The Legend of the
Sky Cat." :D I didn't even know the characters. It was a very good idea, and I
did like the story, but here comes the part you won't like.
Unfortunately, I must critique. There were plenty of spelling and a few
grammar errors, and a lot more detail could have been put in. It just felt
very fast paced, or maybe I read it in record time...
Anyways, I hope my criticism helps you. I know it's not much, but good luck
with your future stories!
EDIT: Um, so Blue October has a concert in San Fran this weekend. I want to go really badly. I love Blue October. WHY MUST THEY BE IN SAN FRANCISCO?! *sobs*
ANYHOW, I'm tired and I'm going to leave now.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I have no heart.
Um...what to write...I go back to school in three days. CRAP. BYE.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today is Wednesday
Anyways, I'm going to cut this short and bestow upon you information that will change your life:
Oh yes, Delias has a clearance sale, online. THEY HAVE AWESOME BRACELETS, DANGIT!
So, go check that epicness. I'm going to work today; AGAIN. I haven't even finished Great Expectations. I' m freaking tired and I start school in less than a week. This is a good time for me to be running around hysterically screaming.
...I missed a comma in there.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Anyways, hey. I'm listening to Jack's Mannequin and Vampire Weekend. Hmm. I'm also working on Great Expectations. I WILL FINISH IT TODAY, DANG IT.
Just so you know, here's my current birthday wish list. Take a good look at it and do not ask me what I want because this LIST will be updated as the months pass.
For now, here you go:
Alice in the Country of Hearts Cosplay (aka costume)
Both version of Alice in Wonderland
Makeup Kit (Specifically Ammo) from Urban Decay
Apocalyptic Nail Polish Set from Urban Decay
Smashbox Foundation
Rock and Republic Lipgloss in some color that's light pink
Both Jack's Mannequin CDs (I already got them on iTunes but I want them. xD)
Ellipse by Imogen Heap
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS game)
Alice in the Country of Hearts Manga (Volume 1, 3, 4, and whatever else)
iTunes gift card (any amount)
All 4 Gossip Girl seasons
New Purse/Tote. Don't care what color. As long as it's my style. (Sprint to MetroPark)
Converse Boots
Knee High Socks
A crapload of deLias giftcards. I will love you forever.
...or at least the Los Anjealous Shirt. See Rachel's Blog for more information. xD
a new iPod nano in green.
A typewriter. In blue.
10000000000000000000 bracelets. DeLias please.
So yeah.
Anyways, I'm good now.
So, keep checking back so you can see what you should try to get me for my big FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY.
That's in a couple of months. ^^
Gotta jet~!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hiun City
Besides that, I'm working on Great Expectations while watching the kids and listening to music. *nods* Yeah, my life is boring at the moment.
SCHOOL IS...BACK IN TEN DAYS HOLY CRAP, NEED TO GET OFF THE INTERNETL@kijrq2'pwaofjknwea;oefqwsahfndalskfvpa
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Canalave City
Anyways, hi there. I miss most of you because I have a lack of a social life. Um, yeah. Greetings from Hotel Cosmos, a place in the middle of Mexico. If you would like to know where I am, so you can stalk me and save me from this place, then google it.
...yeah. Not much.
@ Everyone else: Go read Vampire Knight. Yeah.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Lilycove City
All right, so I'm off to Mexico...tomorrow. Meaning my last post was a lie and that my shift key needs to get better soon. As you can see, I enjoy capitalizing my letters and when my shift key does not work, I'm quite depressed.
I have a lot to pack up...ugh. There's only one good thing from all this. I get to get away from all the mess I created down here and make some new messes in Mexico. Exciting, right?
Not really, because all these problems will stalk me over there. At least I have my DSi, laptop, and sketchbook. I'm good to go!
I'm going to miss all of you;
Okay, maybe not due to the fact no one talks to me anymore. xDDD Just kidding, love you all~!
Rachel Leah Lime: You better be writing in that second notebook of yours. I'm almost done with yours. 0_0 Scary, right? Love you~
Sydney Marie Kiwi: You don't even read my blog, but I love you too~!
and anyone else I missed!: Have a great rest of the summer.
I'll be back in a couple of weeks~! :D
*I could tear a part 1000 flowers, just to keep quiet...*
(or something like that, i love LiGHTS)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Lavander Town
I love you, Rachel Leah Lime, even if I get mad at you~!
Now, in three days I will be off to Mexico. Oh yes.
I'm actually sort of excited, a little. I mean...
okay, maybe not so much excited, because of the lack of internet.
Uh, yeah.
Okay, bye~ I love you all!
*someday you will be loved*
Friday, July 16, 2010
i have a to-do list today.
1) Finishing my summer school chapter, to get ahead.
2) Finishing up my summer NaNoWriMo. I only have...400 words left.
3) Strangling Rachel Leah Lime; no hard feelings, dear.
4) Calling Rachel Leah Lime. Maybe I should call before strangling...that would be useful, me thinks.
5) Watching YGOTAS. Oh yes. IN AMERICA.
6) Semi-cleaning my brother's room.
7) Writing down my team for P:HG. I need to go buy a new copy of my game and an action replay. YAY, CHEATING!
8) Pre-order my copy of 'Eclipse' so my sister and I can comment on it and post our commentary on youtube. I said the following sentence about 50+ times "someone's going to choke a biznotch."
9) Well, yeah.
That's my plan! Isn't that fun~!
*you should've killed me when you had the chance*
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
romeo x juliet
(just in case you're wondering, I want the romeo x juliet DVD for my birthday.)
Please enjoy these adorable pictures:

Anyhow, in this version of Shakespeare's Worse Play Ever, Juliet is a freaking awesome Robin Hood-esque girl who beats the crap out of people. For Romeo...IDK yet. xDDDD
Anyways, I'm tired. I'm waiting for a rubber band to freeze so I can finish my homework.
Happy 10:50 PM! :D
*lost in you*
Monday, July 12, 2010
la la la ulysses
Anyways, many of you are probably going: So, what's Angie doing besides filling out stupid surveys and watching Gossip Girl?
Summer school, of course! I'm on Module 7, meaning that BAM. Two more weeks of torture and I'M FREE. Do you know realize how excited I am?
I'm hoping that on the 17th, Rach can come over. We have manga and Jamba Juice to read/drink.
I'm also getting ready for NaNoWriMo! OH SNAP. I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU TO DO IT.
At least try the Young Adult Version; it lets you choose your word count instead of forcing you to do 50K. ^^
*plays Lost by RED* I'm sorry.
I love End of Silence, it's my favorite album due to the fact that it wrote one my series. Calling to the Night which is a nine-book thing is inspired by nine songs on that awesome soundtrack.
Awesome, yes?
(Oh, yeah. I forgot many of you people aren't writers. A one-shot is basically a short story that's about 1K words to 4K.)
Snap, so I'll go do that. Then I'll go draw some pictures.
*head desks*
*i'm lost in you*
Friday, July 9, 2010
this is like, my fifth survey.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
I doubt anyone has my middle name.
What kind of phone do you have?
the crappiest thing on the planet earth: LG Xenon.
What do you do when a telemarketer calls?
"Hey, what's up? Really. That's nice. Bye." *hang up*
Do you hate being alone?
Nope. It's fun.
When was the last time your wore sneakers?
like... a three weeks ago. at work. i think.
Have you had your birthday this year yet?
it's in October, so no.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Iced tea.
Whose bed were you on last?
My brother's. He was in mine.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
...uh, i cannot remember...i think it was either Chris or my sister.
Do you like to cuddle?
What were you doing when you found out Michael Jackson was dead?
I was washing chlorine out of my hair.
You’re going on a roadtrip, what MUST you bring with you?
Could you see yourself dropping out of high school?
I can see myself finishing it early.
What did you do this past weekend?
homework. sadly.
Did you sing at all today?
yes, i have. i have airplanes by b.o.b and hayley williams stuck in my head.
Has a boy/girl ever called you babe or baby recently?
Nope, people know better than to call me that.
Are you happier now than you were 4 months ago?
Of course not. XD
Are you dating someone right now?
Got any plans tomorrow?
I'd make some...but i have summer school.
You never know what you have until you lose it? True or false?
How i live by. This is true.
What are you listening to?
Ice by LiGHTS
Wallpaper on your phone?
Monterrey Bay Aquarium Fishy Exhibit.
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
No, i have it off.
What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving?
Die, come back to life, and beg them to stay.
Who pissed you off yesterday?
Are you wearing any makeup?
no, too lazy to put makeup on over the summer.
Do you like to sleep?
i do. it's helpful.
What are you looking forward to in the next 5 days?
...nothing. that's how suckish my life is.
How many tattoos do you have?
i wish i had one! xD
Have you ever lost someone you wish you didn’t?
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
Almost everything
Are you texting anybody?
No, I usually don't feel like texting in the afternoon.
Where was the last place you took a nap at?
I don't take naps.
Can you sleep without blankets covering you?
I can, but I need them somewhere near.
What are you wearing right now?
capris, aero shirt.
Do you have a tan
It's a year round tan.
I Wanna
1. Put your iTunes/Zune on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
Hybrid. (>>;)
My Hell. (0_0)
I Will Be With You (Where The Lost Ones Go) [Loyalty? D:]
LDN (I feel like...London?)
Never Alone (...that's better than my last answer to this question.)
That's What You Get (Ironically enough, this song was the answer to the last question last time. XD)
Lucid Dreams (Ha-ha, that actually makes sense)
Diamond Hipster Boy (...all righty.)
WHAT IS 2+2?
Listen To Your Heart (It's five. Duh.)
I Will Posses Your Heart (...I would hide if I was my best friend.)
Weightless (All right. Thanks All Time Low. xD)
Break Out! Break Out! (All Time Low, stop taking over my survey, dang it! And this song actually makes sense, too.)
Walk Away (Franz Ferdinand, shut up. You've already taken a question.)
Secret Valentine. (Aww. *goes barf*)
Early Birdie. (Yay, Owl City! Thank you for making sense! :D)
Awake and Alive (Skillet + Wedding= FRACKING AWESOME.)
Grapevine Fire (LOL, that sounds so fun!)
Fell Down A Hole (OMGZ I'M ALICE! Wait; does this mean I get to end up with Blood Dupre?)
You Kill Me (In A Good Way) [...well. That's odd.]
Ignorance. (Does this mean I will die, but I will be ignorant to something as I die? *head desks*)
Damn Girl. (...uh, whut?)
We Cry. (...XD LOL. I love my iTunes.)
Your Love's A Drug. (Thank you Leighton Meester.)
Anywhere But Here. (D: D: D:)
After the World (...o_0)
On My Own (Hmm. >.> Subliminal message?)
I Wanna.
These were fun. I suggest you all copy and paste this to your blog and have fun with your mp3 player.