Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you can now buy death

media production will never be the same.
nuff said.
Flawless the super awesome script is being held off. I just got a new project for me to work on so don't expect that to pop up anytime soon.
New project is called the 'Hawthorn Hawkins Project'.
It's a short film, I'm entering the Get Reel Film Festival ^.^
I'm sooo excited.
Well. I got to go, I have homework to do (:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

rawrrr. time to go find some headphones.

yeshh! i am vice president of our french club.
this is an amazing honor. lol.
but our float for homecoming is going to be freaking epic; it's dress up like your favorite video game character!
i have to go find some purple headphones; IF YOU FIND SOME, CALL ME!
seriously. i need some if my outfit is going to work.
anyways, i love you rachel, rachel, susannah, and ali.
i got to see the CCS crew today and had loads of fun during volleyball practices ;D
it was hilarious.
anyways; i have to go, this was just super quick. im probably going to die tomorrow.
PS: I'm serious about those headphones.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

see that line, i should've never crossed it.

yay relient k!
so i'm going on with my usual routine of:
wake up at six oh five.
get dressed.
eat breakfast.
brush teeth.
the works.
i'm not going to bore you.
cause i'm bored of my life already.
it's like a movie you've watched more than three times.
then, volia! came a crossroad.
i stared long and hard at that stupid fork in the road.
i guessed on which way to go and bam, i'm where i am today.
i had a choice from law to writing.
guess what I chose?
i think i have a future in the visual arts, aka direction and film and blah.
too bad i don't have time to finish my script; i'm still working on Flawless.
oh, yeah; i took the 'at fifteen' part.
i think Flawless sounds way cooler.
anyways, i was flipping through my September issue of Elle -record scratch- EXCUSE me Madam Fremming; Septembre issue of Elle. See, I'm learning French!
sorry, back on subject; flipping through that issue when i found something.
the flyer announced a film festival happening in fresno this year; and i was so psyched. i mean, i had been looking for an opportunity like this...but the thing is, i didn't put that flyer there.
well, stupid crossroad, you're not so stupid anymore.
along with J-Pop.
okay. i'm done rambling.
sydney ROSE *seriously, why? xD* HOW'D YOU FIND OUT ABOUT OWL CITY?! HOWWWWW!!!!
see; i was one of the first hoot owls, followers of Owl City.
Now everyone loves them >_> that gets annoying
it's just you feel so special, unique that you know a certain band and like them and suddenly they go mainstream and poof. everyone loves them.
it feels disappointing because its like a fatty wall just blocked you out.
same thing with store brands; like my favorite pac sun.
i had always complained about how under advertised Pac Sun was and now I'm totally regretting that -_-
oh well.
PS: You should read Ouran High School Host Club; it's an amazing manga. It's also an anime if you don't do reading.
see you tomorrow CCS crew!
love you all!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

is giving up, giving up slowly.

Not really; sorry. Relient K is becoming more of my thing now. LOL
Except that their new albums are just...
I really liked Mmhmm. One of my faves (besides Five Score)
I am just so in love with Matt Theissen. Sigh.
On with the blog.
I have to finish bio homework, and check if I have all my stuff ready for tomorrow.
I'm trying to convince my media production team to like, go to LA to film on location for our movie.
Haha I wish.
I have not a lot of words to say; except that Cold by Crossfade and Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru have been stuck in my head for a bit.
It's all your fault Rachel! xD

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

caffiene in my blood stream

coffee is delicious; especially as you play The World Ends With You, the characters can buy so much coffee...you just want some after playing.
Besides that.
I SHOULD be doing the following:
Biology homework that's due tomorrow.
French homework that's due tomorrow (and search up how to play Go Fish; yeah, I'm that pathetic)
Look Through my Elle Magazine for Newspaper Production.
Hide during Eight Period.
But instead of any of those, I'm writing some fan-fics, posting a blog, and remembering my Suddenly Darling username <_<
Just so YOU know, I was one of the Original Hoot Owls, aka people who listened to Owl City BEFORE Ocean Eyes came out.
See, I even added a smilie!
All the Projects mentioned last post: SAME STATUS
Ashley and I are working on an anime for fun. 'bout VMK. We need voice actors. rotfl.

Monday, September 7, 2009

it was a day like any other

I feel terrible after I read what I posted last.
but what are blogs for?
I talked about my issues with my parents, well my mom and she gets it. I feel a little better now.
I'm praying again; a while ago I had stopped completely, and that I think really hurt my relationship with God.
I'm getting better.
I can see the light.
But my grades will have to suffer for a little more.
Oh well.
I finished my report today. I'm so happy.
Anyways...Media Update:
Corrupt A Wish: Finally finished Chapter Two. Hurrah.
Flawless at Fifteen: Might get another title change. lol. Anyways; haven't worked a lot on this D:
Chaos and Conflict: Movie script getting ready. Whee.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

sometimes perfection can be perfect hell

Well, the last word in that wonderful sentence might not fly well with people. So too bad.
I feel terrible. I've called my dad things I don't regret now, but will regret in the long run. Well; I've said them in my head.
My mom thinks I'm emo.
I think I'm emo
My life is too problematic, and I'm just thirteen.
Normal thirteen year olds don't go through all the stuff I'm going through now.
I feel like I'm a waste of space, I keep asking myself, 'Why am I trying so hard to be perfect? I'm not.'
Sometimes I keep pushing myself to reach my goals. It's hard keeping up with homework; I haven't checked my grades but it'll be a freaking miracle if any of them are a 'B'.
I think I might transfer. I'm really leaning towards it.
Then again I'm leaning towards many things.
When I look at myself and look at my classmates, I see two major differences. Waist. I'm fat when I stand next to any of them. This makes me consider going anorexic or not eating at all.
But I keep telling myself that I can't do that; that I won't let myself throw away my life like that.
I've cried twice today. I cried once yesterday. This pain is too much for me to bear.
Not even music can handle it.
Everyone tells me the same thing, 'Pray to God'.
I do pray. But sometimes I wonder if my prayers have reception.
I keep looking everywhere I go, searching for a distraction. Writing was my distraction until my laptop died. I don't know where to turn to so I turned towards blogging.
And Jack's Mannequin. Andrew's vocals are so hurt, bruised, but the tempo and final lines give me hope. Light in a labyrinth.
I know God's somewhere up there. He's watching over me, He put me on this earth for some reason that I probably will never know so I can't destroy what He made.
I hate school. I'm going to go and finish my report.
ciao, i guess.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I said hey hey hey We're all gonna die Hey hey hey We're all gonna die We're all gonna die someday

Hey Hey Hey, We're All Going To Die.
Seriously; I'm sick and it's school day.
cough. I got to go, Animal Farm report to do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the resolution

yeah; if you noticed my current profile pic, it's freaking hilarious.
anyways, MEDIA UPDATE!
Flawless at Fifteen: Yay. Not. I haven't been able to work a lot on it lately. COUGHGEOMETRYCOUGH
Fruit Stories: I am hanging my laptop over the Empire State Building; how do you think that's going?
Corrupt A Wish: Same as above.
Got to go anyways