The Problem With Honesty
This is an old blog.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
He was nothing, and everything, to me.
Now, I am on the cusp of my sixteenth year. We stare at each other in something that may be regret.
Regret, and reminisce. He takes her hand.
I turn away.
This is the story for today.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Wonderful World of Debate Camp
So, debate camp. It’s pretty stupid, in all honesty. I’m sitting, listening to this “world renowned” debate guy. We’ve been going to ridiculous lengths to chip the armor that encloses his case. Carlee is doing most of the work, only to be absolutely shut down, and insulted in the process. I decided that I absolutely detest the guy we're working with. His voice makes me want to fall asleep, and his presence is just so damn magnetic, you really can't fall asleep. He cusses, listens to awful music, and is just over-all, an annoying piece of work.
He also thinks that giving us homework is the best idea ever. Screw you, sir debate guy. Screw you. I have to write a debate case, by tomorrow morning. I don't understand how that's going to even happen. I want to play my 360, because I have Final Fantasy 13 in my possession. Might as well play it.
Obviously, that's not happening. I've been ignoring messages on my fanfiction account, I've been ignoring MSN chats, I've been ignoring just about everyone. All because of debate. I find this rather stupid, and completely unnecessary, and I absolutely envy the Speech geeks right now. I want to work on my OO sooooooo badly right now, I am willing to do anything to get out of debate camp right now.
It doesn't help when there are no attractive guys to befriend. All the currently attractive guys are taken, and the stupid guy I crushed on last year is an idiot.
The end.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Meet Mackenzie de Lis
name: Mackenzie de Lis
age: Eighteen.
hometown: Neo-Los Angeles, California.
Talent: Telepathy & Mind Control.
Quote: "A short note on a subject people shouldn't be asking about, by me. That sounds like a lovely introduction, doesn't it?"
Known For: Her notebook that's been passed around the halls of Neo-Los Angeles's School For Rising Puppeteers, with information on just about everything, and anyone.
and now I will edit this later. Because that's fun.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
You Would've Had the Ultimate Ginger.
I decided to answer this question through my various split-personalities, I mean, fictional characters.
Fictional characters, yeah. Sure, whatever. I'll keep telling myself that. Ugh.
From Inevitable:
Anabel: "What friends? I don't need such stupidity weighing me down."
Sabrina: "Stop being so melodramatic, Anabel."
Anabel: "Are you kidding me? You're the one who fucking tried to kill me."
Sabrina: "Details, details. Personally, I would be sad about it for a second, and then go absolutely wreck that person's life~"
Anabel: "That was so grammatically incorrect. It should be illegal."
Sabrina: "Like you haven't said something grammatically incorrect. Freaking grammar nazi."
Anabel: "I am not a grammar nazi. I'm simply trying to warn the world from your stupidity."
From After Wonderland:
Imogen: "Um, well, I'd be kind of mad...or sad? Um..."
Artemis: "You're so stupid, Imogen. Stupid, stupid, stupid."
Imogen: "Or I would deck Artemis. Yeah, I like that idea better."
Artemis: "Imogen is stupid, stupid, stupid. Disgusting, stupid, and stupid."
Imogen: "Shut up, Artemis. This is my answer, not yours."
Artemis: "Stupid, stupid-"
Imogen: "-as I was saying, I would be kind of disappointed in both of us. I would've probably had something to do with it, but it's also the other person's fault, you know? For not calling, or at least being courteous enough to tell you 'hey, the friendship is over, kthxbai.'"
From Catastrophe:
Harley: "I would probably punch them in the face."
Daniel: "Isn't that a bit violent over some petty girl-fight?"
Harley: "Of course not."
Kalina: "Um, Harley, I really think punching people in the face wouldn't fix anything."
Colton: "No shit."
Harley: "I think punching people in the face is absolutely necessary. There should be a holiday reserved for this sacred event."
Lucas: "You're psychotic."
I hope you enjoyed. Today's blog title comes from Doctor Who episode "Vincent and the Doctor." :3
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Words with Angie: Stalker
- stalk·er
- A person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person
- A person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention
- I've noticed even I've been using the word in a wrongful way, and it kind of sucks.
Friday, May 27, 2011
So, I was like, "Screw you."
- Watching the movie From Prada To Nada, which was an okay flick, for having Camilla Belle and Alexa Vega in it.
- Sobbing uncontrollably.
- Respectful towards his own family, and mine.
- Respectful towards me, my body, and my regulations.
- Polite.
- Gentlemanly.
- Elegant.
- Well-dressed.
- Well-versed in literature.
- A writer of some sort.
- Blue eyes.
- Snarky comments.
- Witty banter.
- Intelligence.
- A second language.
- A desire to travel the world.
- Some sort of musician.
- Funny.
- Adorkable.
- Geeky.
- Wears glasses for fun.
- Has a good taste in music.
- Sensitive.
- Protective.
- Understanding.
- Humble.
- Tech-savvy.
- Honest.
- a God-loving human being.
- Respectful towards God.
- Believes in God, in general. Because that's important.
- Photogenic.
- Eloquent.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
a week in review~
- Decided to go on a Facebook & Cookie Strike. I haven't been on Facebook, and I ate onecookie today. That means I cannot eat anymore for the rest of the week. Sadness ensues.
- Managed to convince my mother to say "yes" to my Hatsune Miku Concert Extravaganza.
- Did nothing important.
- Went to church.
- Boring Monday is boring Monday.
- I announce the concert details to my best friend, Rachel. She promptly freaks. It's awesome.
- Other crap ensues.
- Oh, hi Mock Trial. *waves* I join the team, and realize I'm going to be stuck with my sort of/on and off crush for the next year and a half.
- Joy.
- Nothing fun. I plan on what I'll be wearing for our concert. Cosplay is sadly out of the equation. *sobs*
- I do my homework.
- Mock Trial.
- So yeah.
- That's today, right? Um.
- I have double chemistry. I attempt to commit suicide.
- It fails.
- Rach and I attempt to create a list of potential love interests that aren't a) dating one someone, b) named Conor, or c) stupid.
- It fails.
- I have double French 2. I commit suicide.
- Only for a second, though.
- I have double English. It's boring/cool/interesting/and yeah.
- I finish 1984 by George Orwell. *sobs* It's my new favorite book ever.
- I check the prices for our concert. The grand total is...currently 95$. WINNING.
- I say currently, because I just sent an email to the registration people asking if I needed three registration badges. If I do, I'll start crying uncontrollably.
- I am writing this post.