Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Wonderful World of Debate Camp

This post will eventually be come to known as the immense, "FUCK YOU, DEBATE CAMP" post.
I regret nothing.

So, debate camp. It’s pretty stupid, in all honesty. I’m sitting, listening to this “world renowned” debate guy. We’ve been going to ridiculous lengths to chip the armor that encloses his case. Carlee is doing most of the work, only to be absolutely shut down, and insulted in the process. I decided that I absolutely detest the guy we're working with. His voice makes me want to fall asleep, and his presence is just so damn magnetic, you really can't fall asleep. He cusses, listens to awful music, and is just over-all, an annoying piece of work.

He also thinks that giving us homework is the best idea ever. Screw you, sir debate guy. Screw you. I have to write a debate case, by tomorrow morning. I don't understand how that's going to even happen. I want to play my 360, because I have Final Fantasy 13 in my possession. Might as well play it.

Obviously, that's not happening. I've been ignoring messages on my fanfiction account, I've been ignoring MSN chats, I've been ignoring just about everyone. All because of debate. I find this rather stupid, and completely unnecessary, and I absolutely envy the Speech geeks right now. I want to work on my OO sooooooo badly right now, I am willing to do anything to get out of debate camp right now.


It doesn't help when there are no attractive guys to befriend. All the currently attractive guys are taken, and the stupid guy I crushed on last year is an idiot.

The end.


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