Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a week in review~


  • Decided to go on a Facebook & Cookie Strike. I haven't been on Facebook, and I ate onecookie today. That means I cannot eat anymore for the rest of the week. Sadness ensues.
  • Managed to convince my mother to say "yes" to my Hatsune Miku Concert Extravaganza.
  • Did nothing important.
  • Went to church.

  • Boring Monday is boring Monday.
  • I announce the concert details to my best friend, Rachel. She promptly freaks. It's awesome.
  • Other crap ensues.
  • Oh, hi Mock Trial. *waves* I join the team, and realize I'm going to be stuck with my sort of/on and off crush for the next year and a half.
  • Joy.
  • Nothing fun. I plan on what I'll be wearing for our concert. Cosplay is sadly out of the equation. *sobs*
  • I do my homework.
  • Mock Trial.
  • So yeah.
  • That's today, right? Um.
  • I have double chemistry. I attempt to commit suicide.
  • It fails.
  • Rach and I attempt to create a list of potential love interests that aren't a) dating one someone, b) named Conor, or c) stupid.
  • It fails.
  • I have double French 2. I commit suicide.
  • Only for a second, though.
  • I have double English. It's boring/cool/interesting/and yeah.
  • I finish 1984 by George Orwell. *sobs* It's my new favorite book ever.
  • I check the prices for our concert. The grand total is...currently 95$. WINNING.
  • I say currently, because I just sent an email to the registration people asking if I needed three registration badges. If I do, I'll start crying uncontrollably.
  • I am writing this post.
I have a math final tomorrow. I'm getting off the computer so I can *gasp* study. I need to get a wonderful score, or I'll die, and my A- will perish along with me. Sadness ensues.

Besides all of that, you're probably (not) wondering how my love life is going.

It's nonexistent, stop laughing at my sheer patheticness. Instead, I will show you a picture of my perfect boyfriend, as drawn by Rachel.

It's flipped. I know.

And I will leave you with my top five favorite Vocaloid songs.

#5) Two Breaths Walking - KAITO & Hatsune Miku

Why? This song. This this this this. It's perfection, I swear. It's one of my favorites, because it's simple, but it tells such a complex story - a story of leaving your childhood behind, and coming to terms that you're allowed to enjoy things from your youth, and you don't have to burn every bridge. It's one of the only songs that actually can use KAITO wonderfully, considering his voice bank sucks. Miku also sounds great in this song. :)

#4) Double Lariat - Megurine Luka

Why? aldjflakf THIS SONG IS WONDERFUL. There are two versions, and I posted the one I like better, because it has a story, and it's just such a great pick you up song. It's one of the songs I listen to when I'm in a bad mood, or whatever, because it brings a smile to my face!

#3) Mozaik Role/Cowardly Mont Blanc - GUMI

Why?: These were the songs that first introduced me to my favorite Vocaloid, besides Luka and Miku. They're connected, in some sort of weird way, and they're both written by deco*27, who's absolutely brilliant and composing songs. I like the imagery in both videos, and they're both really catchy, in completely different ways.

#2) Delusion Sketch/Monochrome Blue Sky - Hatsune Miku

Why? Miku, Miku, Miku. Well, we have an interesting love/hate relationship. There's a couple of songs I absolutely detest by Miku, but those two mentioned are my favorites. They really show off her vocal range, and they're both really catchy and fun. Delusion Sketch actually beat out Monochrome Blue Sky for a while, and Monochrome Blue Sky isn't that good, but it's still a great song.

#1) Karakuri Blast - Kagamine Len & Rin.

Why? Holy crap. Where can I start? Not only is this song completely different from the rest, but it's like, wow. I can start by clarifying that Len is not a Nazi, before someone makes a smart comment like that. The swastika is inverted, so yeah. Anyways, Len vs Rin, in a show of epic epicness. Their voices are freaking life-like, and the lyrics are alkjdfklajfd awesomeness to the nth degree.

1 comment:

  1. Why is my picture flipped? D:

    I liked the double lariat video. Why do the Engrish subtitles on the live concert version say "spin" instead of sing? Both words make sense, but still...

    so... yeah.
    This post gets the Rachel Seal of Approval. :D
    Bonus points for awesome vocaloid songs, beautiful original artwork *cough*, and bulletpoints. I really like bulletpoints.

    You should read this book when I'm done with it. It's super awesome and you would lerve it.

    I'm going to stop stalking your blog now...
    bye. <3
