yay. i love my accessories.
so today I'm working on some late biology homework, late geometry homework, and some english homework.
How exciting.
Not. But that's not the point of this entry. I just wanted to vent on a issue that's been annoying the crap outta me.
Does anyone know the real reason I never take of my checkered ring?
It's like my temporary purity ring. My current one is still being fixed >.>
But yeah, I never take it off and I wear it on my right hand because my left hand is too fat *eye roll here*
But yeah. I love my checkered ring, it's like I wear it with everything, even zebra print.
That was extremely hard pulling off.
Wait. That wasn't the issue that was annoying me. *dies*
The real issue that's annoying me is people who you used to know. I mean you used to talk a lot, be friends, hang out, whatever. Insert whatever you want here. Then poof. Life happens and bam. You guys barely see each other and when you do it's like the other person is avoiding you. I mean, it feels like crap being avoided. Or ignored. Or when the other person just doesn't care anymore and is caught up with their new life and has decided to leave it all behind.
I don't know if it's just me, but eh.

Media Update: Fixing final stuff on Chaos and Conflict, sending today.
Evite for my fourteenth birthday bash: Working on as I type and procrastinate.
Just got my grades: All A's except Geometry, which is a B, and English, a C.
WHO CARES?! I got a 3.58 GPA! WHOOHOO!
That is an all time low for me. LOL
Okay. I'm done complaining.
I love you if you're reading this.
I hope you're not referring to me!!! :'( I'd never forget bout you!!! :( I love you tons... although it seems like we never talk cuz I DON'T HAVE EFFIN TEXTING
Lime - over and out
not yet anyway...
I'm not reffering to you my Rachelili! You seriously need texting.
ReplyDeleteEnd of story.