Calling;;Elaborate rhythms and broad-spanning vocals drive this track ever upwards, as if climbing the stairway to some new and unseen paradise.
phone's under house arrest. until tomorrow. can't find it though, ugh. I have to find it so I can update my blogger from everyfreakingwhere.
anyways, not a lot has happened, talked to my 'rents about my party and we're gonna go see 'The Box' at Sierra Vista and head over to the Anime Convention! How fun!
That's why I need everyone to bring something anime. rotfl.
I'm inviting people from diff places so if you have a problem with that tell me now, so drop me a email or IM.
i'm even on freaking Twitter so there you go.
media update: working chill out.
my hair's super wet.
i'm so lazy it's sad. so starting tomorrow I'm gonna start working, new Angie heading your way!
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