sorry, i have that song stuck in my head, along with: tea party, kerli; follow me down, 3OH!3; and her name is alice, shinedown.
xD The Alice in Wonderland pre-soundtrack is phenom. All my favorite people wrapped up in a shiny CD with the Mad Hatter's face on it. Ain't that neat?
Anyways, I'll spread the musical love:
Tea Party, Kerli
Her Name is Alice, Shinedown
Follow Me Down, 3OH!3 feat Neon Hitch.
Yay for Alice! xD
I want this gorgeous ring, based off a tea cup~ it's from London, though. OMFG. Tomorrow's the World Premiere in London for Alice in Wonderland.
As you can see, I'm a major Alice in Wonderland geek. I'm sorry, I read the original book and the story totally mesmerized me, even with it's crappy ending.
I'm reading manga when I can again. Currently reading No Heart Kuni No Alice, which is like, the AiW manga with an awesome storyline. xD Lewis Carroll must be turning around in his grave.
A moment of peace.
-five seconds later-
Alrighty, my day was okay. Ish. I think one of my friend is mad at me and IDK why. She like, totally brushed me off.
And I have no clue what I did to get her so pissed off.
But whatever.

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